ESM-YA Catalog (Introduction and sequences)

2 Application ERASMUS+ n° 2014-2-ES02-KA205-005432 The telescope Instruction a) Imagine that future will look through a telescope and see the kind of objectives / goals in life. Then keeping in mind the image will try to answer the following questions with existential character that we speak to someone about philosophy and lifestyle:  What others expect from me?  Now what life asks of me?  If I am looking on the inside of my being, I wonder what I do and what should I do?  How my behavior reflects an idea of the life that I lead to physical and psychological comfort? b). Write down on a piece of paper adaptive resources (hobbies, religion, interests in socially), and other ways you have available and are supportive (friends, institutions, groups supportive). c). Write a story in the form of essay to tell how you imagine that would be the future, identifying those aspects which enlightens the future. Indications It is made the means test which ones are viable, beneficial by choosing one or the other. Professional should emphasize the outstanding issues, grant recipient reinforcements accepted behaviors and ignore the possible negative aspects and problems. Note: The resources of the beneficiary, acquisitions, ability to adapt.