ESM-YA Catalog (Introduction and sequences)
Project ESM-YA under ERASMUS+ YOUTH Application n° 2014-2-ES02-KA205-005432 Session 5 Annex 2 European joint approach on Educative tools to improve employability and selfreflection for Sentenced Minors - Young Adults (ESM-YA) Activity name “ The company men ” film Experimenting Context In which Session and action did your activity came in complement Session 5 Annex 2 Duration of the Activity 2 hours Material Computer, projector and Internet access Method Group dynamic Interest of the exercise evaluated by the group [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Brief Summary of Organization How did you manage to add this exercise? Which materials did you need? In the fifth session, we played “ The company men ”. Actually, the movie we selected – after a careful analysis – gave food for thought and we had a group discussion at the end (cineforum). Basically, in the movie cynicism and the fierce rules of finance and employment are set against positive principles such as friendship, the family and the capacity to get back into the game by doing also humble jobs. In this movie, human relations are the winning cards. This message perfectly fits children and youngsters in conflict with the law. Proposed Learning Outcomes What knowledge, skills and attitudes did you envisage the learners will develop when adding this activity to ES methodology? These changes enable us to put the experimentation contents in a context Activity added in complement of ES methodology Please be kind to join the exercise or to give link to a film or … Recommendations With a view to enhance the results, we suggest to involve a staff member of the Employment Agency or Human Resources’ staff during the session on employment.
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