ESM-YA Catalog (Introduction and sequences)
2 Application ERASMUS+ n° 2014-2-ES02-KA205-005432 Job offer analysis. Creating a portfolio of employment The aim: Increase insertion / professional and social reintegration of inmates. The objectives of the theme: Presentation of information sources on a job search and job offer available; theoretical presentation and design a set of tools to promote the image, intention, skills and capacities of the person who wishes to engage. Content Hidden Labor market. A lot of jobs on the market are not made public by companies. To find jobs that are not released persons looking for a job must turn to a network of knowledge. They do not necessarily have to be friends, can be simple knowledge, but that might be useful (friends, acquaintances, neighbors, former colleagues high school or college, relatives, colleagues volunteer, customers, subordinates, colleagues, etc. .) the” visible” labor market (representing approximately 20% of the market) Staff placement services provided by the state, through the National Agency (Country) of the Employment- provides daily information on vacancies existing in counties / cities. Also, the NEA organizes fairs or scholarships places of work , during which state and private companies present their offer of jobs available to those interested and share information and forms of employment. Print media : newspapers, magazines (page advertisment, " Ad Calling " , " Ad AZ " Job offers ads displayed at the entrance of different institutions or companies, or in various public places (public transport stations, lighting poles) Websites specializing in staff recruitment on the Internet: www…………. to be adapted in each country NGOs specialized in professional reintegration of disadvantaged groups: the Romanian Center for Education and Human Development.
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