ESM-YA Catalog (Introduction and sequences)
3 Application ERASMUS+ n° 2014-2-ES02-KA205-005432 Participants will be cautioned to carefully consider ads to avoid certain drawbacks: - Offers like "I pay expenses for you and you'll give me the money later" in this situation there is a risk to work hard to get free; - Offers "moonlighting" without an employment contract or an employment contract is prescribed a lower salary than agreed, because it means giving up legal rights - to be paid according to the work they perform , the entitlement to sick leave and rest, to have pension rights etc. The disadvantages of moonlighting for employees: employers pay lower wages, often below the minimum wage and ; employees do not have the safety of receiving the salary and do not have the possibility of suing in that matter as they have to prove that they weren’t paid as the taxes are not all paid some rights are cut from the employee ; are not entitled to unemployment benefit or support allowance; in sickness, the employee is not entitled to sick leave; underground employees are not entitled to a vacation or study leave; women are not entitled to maternity allowance or parental vacation; not entitled to free medical assistance doesn’t benefit to disability pension, in case of work related accidents ; is not entitled to early retirement in case of death, the relatives are not entitled to survivorship pension; He is not entitled to free courses, retraining; Doesn’t have access to bank credit market; The meeting will continue with the presentation of theoretical and designing a set of tools to promote the image, intention, skills and capacities of the person who wishes to engage.
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