ESM-YA Catalog (Introduction and sequences)

Project ESM-YA under ERASMUS+ YOUTH Application n° 2014-2-ES02-KA205-005432 HOW SKILLED ARE YOU Answer these questions and reflect on what the nonverbal cues you normally use in your conversations. Choose the option that best explains your "style" of telling things to others 1. My "position" when I'm talking to someone ... a) If I get shy, I lower my head a little and do not even know where to put my hands b) I do not care, I act naturally c) I stand as I please 2. When someone is talking to me, I ... a) I look a little b) I look into their eyes c) I look to more interesting things 3. And what is my "orientation" when I participated in a conversation? a) I have not noticed b) Face, facing the speaker. As it should be right? c) back, side, crouched ... in every way, as I look 4. To me that the "proximity" is one thing ... a) I always place myself away from the speaker b) If it is well known mine because ... I get more cerquita in conversation c) What is that of proximity? I get where I think. 5. What pints doing? ... a) The mine, I have no other b) I like to have good "paints" c) I do not care that the self-image 6. Smile ... And what? a) I'm a little cutting b) ES mine c) Smiling ¿? What for?