ESM-YA Catalog (Introduction and sequences)

Project ESM-YA under ERASMUS+ YOUTH Application n° 2014-2-ES02-KA205-005432 Session 1 Annex 5 European joint approach on Educative tools to improve employability and selfreflection for Sentenced Minors - Young Adults (ESM-YA) Activity name Crossed presentation Experimenting Context In which Session and action did your activity came in complement Session 1 Annex 5 Duration of the Activity 30 minutes Methodology Face to face, then in large group Materials Pens and paper Method Group Interest of the exercise evaluated by the group [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] Who’s who? Get acquainted with each other . Presentation - Goal: It is normal to appear when you get in a group and we will do a bit unique way . - Direction: one facilitator presents the other to set an example, and the reverse. Once done, the group will form pairs. Each participant must interview his sidekick and then to present him to the group. The facilitator explains that we can say what we want others to know. - Debriefing: It depends on the group. For example, ask if they play sports, if they love music, if they know each other ... search all the commonalities of the group… Comments - If no one wants to start at the back in a big group, the facilitator let chance choose: for example, he asks a young a number between 1 and the number corresponding to those present then account ... The surprise is enough effective or even comical. - If the number of young people is odd, one facilitator is present and the other forms a pair with a youngster. Facilitators are exercising with the same guidelines as young . - The choice of pairs can be strategic in terms of how facilitators perceive some youth.