ESM-YA Catalog (Introduction and sequences)

1 Application ERASMUS+ n° 2014-2-ES02-KA205-005432 European joint approach on Educative tools to improve employability and selfreflection for Sentenced Minors - Young Adults (ESM-YA) Activity name Who am I ? Exercise 5 Experimenting Context In which Session and action did your activity came in complement Session 1 Annex 6.5 Personal development Duration of the Complementary Activity 20 minutes Material Verbal / Written Method Group Interest of the exercise evaluated by the group [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] TRAVELLING Instruction Imagine that you have just boarded a train to make a journey. Each comes from a world, a world that only he knows and they leave behind to head to another. On the train you all met for the first time. One by one each traveler will tell his story. Describe the world where you comes from, what you bring with you from your former world and what you leave behind, why you leaves your world, and what you expect to encounter in the new world you will face, what are your expectations.