ESM-YA Catalog (Introduction and sequences)

1 Application ERASMUS+ n° 2014-2-ES02-KA205-005432 European joint approach on Educative tools to improve employability and selfreflection for Sentenced Minors - Young Adults (ESM-YA) Activity name Who am I ? The shipwrecked Experimenting Context In which Session and action did your activity came in complement Session 1 Annex 6.7 Personal development Duration of the Complementary Activity 40’ Material Paper/pencil Method Verbal/Written Interest of the exercise evaluated by the group [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] The Shipwrecked Give the theme / exercise "The Shipwrecked". All the messages write by each participant at the end of the session are preserved in a bottle throughout all the counseling sessions and will be open at the end in order to be read. It can be used to assess group themes. Instruction Each participant writes messages about experiences in prison during the early arrest so far and continues to write messages to the future.