BOOk Grids

KNOW TO BE INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION Agreement Tutor/Learner HUMILITY TRUST When the learner never shows it 2 When the learner shows it sporadically 3 When the learner shows it often 4 When the learner shows it almost always Learner shows confidence in his/her abilities and in the abilities of those participating in the activity. Learner is humble with his/her performance and doesn’t consider himself/herself better than the others. Learner manifests behaviours of modesty and humbleness. Indicators 1st assessment 2nd assessment 3rd assessment Learner is able to put his/her own safety into someone else hands. Learner accepts to let someone take decisions for the team to reach a goal. Possible responses to the indicators 1 READY... GO Grid to assess CCC Intercultural Communication / ERASMUS+ Project n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023846