BOOk Grids

KNOW TO BE LEADERSHIP Agreement Tutor/Learner TEAM SPIRIT ACHIEVE GOALS LEARN HOW TO ACCEPT WINNING AND LOOSING 1 When the learner never shows it 2 When the learner shows it sporadically 3 When the learner shows it often 4 When the learner shows it almost always Learner doesn’t boast too much about his/her winning. Learner keeps playing even if he/she’s loosing. Learner is able to congratulate his/her teammate when he/she is winning but also to congratulate his/her opposite team when he/she is loosing. Learner manifests the spirit of sportspersonship. Learner can accept to loose without blaming his/her teammates. Learner doesn’t blame the referee if he/she is loosing. Indicators 1st assessment 2nd assessment 3rd assessment Possible responses to the indicators Learner shows appreciation of team work, encourages and inspires others. Learner displays feelings of pride and loyalty towards members of the group sharing feelings to do well, to do their best. Learner manages to conclude the activity and reach the desirable outcomes for that activity within a finite time by setting deadlines when applicable.