BOOk Grids

3a KNOW TO BE Learner manages to conduct himself/herself free from external pressures and manifests an independence of thought. Learner is able to congratulate his/her teammate when he/she is winning but also to congratulate his/her opposite team when he/she is loosing. Learner is able to accept to loose without blaming his/her teammates. BE AWARE OF OWN LIMITS Learner is conscious of own abilities and potential in the specific sports discipline. LEARNING to CONCENTRATE FREE-TIME MANAGEMENT CREATIVITY Learner is able to propose/find new rule(s) or modify the rules. ACCEPT ERRORS Learner regards himself/herself positively and appreciates their worth. RESPONSIBILITY Learner shows a positive disposition towards criticism coming from the teammates, sports instructors and sports officials. Male CENTRE SPORT ACTIVITY SPORT SUPERVISOR LEARNER & ID NUMBER GENDER Female Minor Registration number 2a 1 When the learner never shows it 2 When the learner shows it sporadically 3 When the learner shows it often 4 Dates of Evaluations Learner is able to invent new strategies to achieve his/her goal in PAS. Learner shows focus and attentiveness in conducting his/her tasks. AUTONOMY When the learner shows it almost always Indicators 2nd assessment 3rd assessment KNOW Learner manages to conduct himself/herself in a productive manner in his/her spare time. KNOW HOW Learner is able to accept advice without taking it too personally. Learner demonstrates concern for others and holds him or herself accountability for their actions. Possible responses to the indicators Agreement Tutor/Learner 1a Learner keeps playing even if he/she’s loosing. SELF-CONFIDENCE Learner doesn’t blame the referee if he/she is loosing. Learner doesn’t boast too much about his/her winning. LEARN HOW to accept WINNING and LOOSING Learner demonstrates a sense of self-assurance and assertiveness. OVERCOMING CAPACITY Learner's ability to deal with obstacles and challenging situations one encounters. TO ACHIEVE GOALS Learner manages to conclude the activity and reach the desirable outcomes for that activity within a finite time by setting deadlines when applicable. SELF-ESTEEM Learner shows resolve and persistence in achieving goals and completing proposed tasks. DETERMINATION 1st assessment READY... GO Grid to assess CCC Autonomy / ERASMUS+ Project n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023846