BOOk Grids

TRUST SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR CIVIC and SOCIAL ATTITUDE Agreement Tutor/Learner KNOW TO BE FELLOWSHIP RESPECT SOCIAL RELATIONSHIPS TOLERANCE READY… GO Grid to assess CCC Civic and Social Attitude / ERASMUS+ Project n° 2016-1-FR01-KA204-023846 Learner manifests a friendly association with other inmates who share a similar interest. Learner demonstrates ability to interact meaningfully with one or more individuals. Learner manifests consideration and mindfulness for others. Learner doesn’t criticise the decisions or the opinions of the others. Learner shows confidence in his/her abilities and in the abilities of those participating in the activity. Learner lets someone to take decisions to reach goal. Learner is able to accept playing with players that might have not the same skills level. Learner is sympathetic to beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with his/her own. Learner behaves within socially accepted norms and regulations of the team during the sports activity. Learner is able to respect the rules of society through PAS as: being polite, being on time… Possible responses to the indicators 1 When the learner never shows it 2 When the learner shows it sporadically 3 When the learner shows it often 4 When the learner shows it almost always Indicators 1st assessment 2nd assessment 3rd assessment