SERA Preventing radicalisation in prisons -

P a g e | 23 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Although there currently isn’t a specialised programme for radicalised prisoners, The Turkish General Directorate of Prisons and Detention House has participated in the following programmes : 1. Values Education - Under “Values Education” in the prisons, conferences, discussions, film screenings and other educational activities are conducted regarding one specified value for each month to emphasize universal and human values and to raise awareness on this issue among convicts ; joint projects with NGO’s are developed. 2. Managing Terrorist Prisoners education program is developed under the project called Improving Enforcement Services carried out between the years 2012-2014. Under this project, a total of 1,023 personnel were trained after which the programme was disseminate by being included in the curriculum of the staff training centres. The topics in this programme were the following ;  Terror organizations in prisons and their goals  Definitions, processes and indicators of radicalisation  Dynamic Security  Prevention of radicalisation  Case studies on radicalisation 3. Technical Assistance for Improvement of Enforcement Services in Prisons (DEPAR) Project carried out between the years 2014-2016. Under this project, two intervention programmes were developed for inmates :  Prisons, Terrorism and Radicalisation Intervention Programme,  Domestic Violence Offenders Intervention Programme. 4. There is an ongoing project to prevent radicalisation called R2PRIS (Prevention of Radicalisation in Prisons) under Erasmus+ Program in cooperation with Portugal, Romania, Norway, Belgium.