SERA Preventing radicalisation in prisons -

P a g e | 24 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN DISCUSSION Although partner countries face specific challenges in responding to radicalisation and extremist violence, they share common dilemmas. All countries are to some degree, grappling to respond adequately to such challenges and device effective preventive programmes, able to identify, assess and address extremist threats. Most policies are still quite novel, and only recently, have countries begun to assess the effectiveness of their efforts. While some countries – e.g. France and Belgium – have devoted considerable resources to developing specific ‘de- radicalisation’ programmes, others – such as Italy or Malta – currently do not have such programmes in place. In the implementation of the SERA programme, partners will have to be mindful of contextual factors, both as regards the national and custodial settings. In particular, they will have to bear in mind : - existing policies and programmes and ensure that SERA aligns with them, - conditions and arrangements in the prison/institution where the programme will be implemented, including prisoners’/residents’ level of satisfaction with the institution and their trust in the staff, - risk of replication.