SERA Preventing radicalisation in prisons -

P a g e | 25 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN INSPIRATIONAL PRACTICES FROM AROUND THE WORLD Several training programmes and toolkits focusing on the prevention of radicalisation have been developed in European countries and worldwide. The target of such programmes are generally youth, very often second- or third-generation migrants and/or Muslim youth. SERA partners collected hundreds of existing practices, which were then analysed with the twin objectives of identifying trends and shortcomings, and pinpointing inspiring practices. The outcomes of such analysis are presented in this section. TRENDS IN PROGRAMMES 1. Most projects/programmes combine one-on-one sessions (usually with a psychologist/counsellor) with group sessions. Others rely on mentorship. 2. Most advocate the need for an individualised, tailored approach 3. Most rely on a multidisciplinary team 4. Most are based on inter-institutional cooperation 5. Most highlight the importance of having credible speakers involved in the programme – this means not just religious leaders, such as imams, but also people who were once part of extremist groups and changed their views 6. Most highlight the importance of teaching the values of moderate Islam 7. Most argue for the involvement (in some form) of the family/social network of prisoners 8. Some stress the importance of giving space to experience, as well as looking to the future, and thus consider prisoners who have served their sentences and are preparing to leave prison as ideal candidates for such programmes 9. Many programmes focus on youths (who are either in the community and have been identified as being at risk of radicalisation, or are currently being detained/ held in prison) and argue for a specialised programme for youths, which should be different from a de-radicalisation programme for adults 10. Most programmes are voluntary (although the voluntary aspect is highlighted by many as a hurdle) 11. Most highlight the importance of completing the entire programme and of offering support and guidance past completion of the programme