SERA Preventing radicalisation in prisons -

P a g e | 26 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN SHORTCOMINGS 1. Lack of a gender perspective (study of masculinity and link to terrorism ; the role played by women/ women’s vulnerability to radicalisation) 2. Lack of focus on protective factors, in favour of risk factors. Most programmes involve ‘secondary prevention’, i.e. engage individuals have already been exposed to radicalisation. A valid prevention programme should be implemented way before the signs of radicalisation even manifest themselves in individuals or communities. 3. Risk of stigmatising or isolating the Muslim sphere 4. Risk of censuring topics that should be discussed – e.g. moderate Islam 5. Programmes are often not holistic 6. Some programmes are too ‘packed’, leaving no time/space for introspection 7. Risk of re-indoctrination 8. Confusion surrounding strategy : should dispersal be preferred to concentration ? STRUCTURE OF PROGRAMMES AIMS  Desistance from violence  Abandonment of radical mindset  Anger management  Conflict management  Resilience to radical views  Psychological Rehabilitation  Religious Rehabilitation  Emotional literacy  Development of critical thinking  Taking responsibility  Strengthening of self-esteem  Development of relationship skills  Integration  Respect for diversity