SERA Preventing radicalisation in prisons -

P a g e | 27 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN CONTENT - Anger management sessions - Psychological rehabilitation - Activities focusing on counter-narratives, to develop acceptance towards plurality of views - Religious rehabilitation : understanding moderate Islam (through imams/ people that participants can relate to. E.g. The Solas Foundation offers courses on the basics of Islam and its pertinence in western society. The two instructors leading the course were born and raised in Scotland as Muslim, and experienced on their skin the reconciliation between Islam and life in Scotland 4 ) - Civic Education : Citizenship/ the Constitution (where applicable) / freedom of religion and speech/ democracy - Life skills : work on life skills or social skills generally, such as dealing with peer pressure ; METHODS (for group sessions) - Inspirational/credible speakers - Videos - Active learning - Group discussion - Role-play - Practical activities 4 See : /