SERA Preventing radicalisation in prisons -

P a g e | 30 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Based on these surveys collected from 1.040 students we can conclude with satisfaction that 82% of the students liked the project, opposite to 4% who did not like it. A big majority furthermore considers the project interesting (73%), meaningful (54%), innovative (57%) and informative (61%) . When we focus on the different levels of education, we can conclude that especially VMBO students are positive about the project (88%), which is our primary target group. Yet, also VWO students are very positive (84%). With this in mind, we also evidently realised our goal that 75% of the students should be positive. Havo students are an exception, as only 70% of them are positive. (VMBO, HAVO and VWO are different degrees in the Dutch high school system.) In 2015, we will further investigate this. Additionally, in our acquisition for schools we will focus more on students of which we are certain the projects works best for. A majority of the students tell us that they have learned something : 64% tells us to think different about exclusion, while 59% gained insight in the effect of fear and insecurity on their decisions, and 51% discovered new ways of intervening when they are part of a bullying situation. Considering the different levels of education, VMBO students tell us that they have learned the most, while MBO students tell us to have learned less. We think this is due to the fact that they have already followed lessons on identity, conflict and exclusion before. Remar kably enough, MBO teachers tell us to really appreciate the project and are eager to place our containers on their schoolyards (again). Finally, students are positive about our trainers : 58% thinks of them as very good and another 25% as good ; 15% is neutral and only 2% considers them bad or really bad. This reinforces our idea that both our methodology and our open, not-moralising style of coaching work. The safe atmosphere allows students to be open, honest and vulnerable, which is quite an achievement when you consider the fact that our trainers can only spend one hour and fifteen minutes with these students’ (p. 241) 4. Denkzeit training ‘Denkzeit’, which translates as ‘time to think’ is a one-to-one-training that is aimed at youths, who are in prison or on probation and exhibit aggressive behaviour or a tendency to violence. ‘Denkzeit’ is a programme which aims at strengthening one’s social-cognitive competences. ‘Denkzeit’ combines a pedagogical and a psychological approach, which helps beneficiaries cope with interpersonal conflicts and learn to solve them in a socially acceptable manner. ‘Denkzeit’ has several different modules and stages : 1. cognitive phase 2. emotion managing phase 3. ethical and moral phase 4. free training (ensuring the transfer of the new knowledge to real-life situations). At the start of the programme, trainers and youths come to an agreement regarding commitment and outcomes.