SERA Preventing radicalisation in prisons -

P a g e | 32 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN 17/04/2014 : “Just wanted to say thanks so much for last night [the competition screening] and for all your support throughout the process. It really was one of the most fulfilling things …” (Roberta, Conscious Creator) 17/04/2014 : “Just wanted to say a big thanks for everything and being so involved and behind everyone ! You did an amazing job and I feel honoured to have been apart of it all, thanks so much ! And really hope there are similar projects in the future and would love to be involved...” (Ellis, Conscious Creator) 20/03/2014 : “Such a shame I won't be able to be part of the conclusion of the project but I just want to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you ! I really enjoyed scrubbing up on my digital literacy with you guys and I learnt a lot. A fascinating and important project which I hope carries on. Great that it was flexible enough to allow people to have time to make the best film possible, just a shame that it hasn't worked out timing wise for me.” (Steph, Conscious Creator - couldn’t complete film due to availability after change in circumstances). An Interview with Digital Disruption : “Amina” (A project participant & winner of the Conscious Creator’s competition) and her filmmaking interviewee took part in a short interview to share what they got out of the project. (one can access the film at: - Enter Password: ddcc2015’) (RAN p. 246) 6. Extreme Dialogue Extreme Dialogue seeks to build resilience to radicalisation among young people, encourage critical thinking and help develop digital literacy skills. The programme relies on a variety of learning materials, including short films that explore prejudice and identity through the testimonies of people directly affected by extremism. Additional materials are used to encourage constructive discussions around extremism and radicalisation. RAN (2017) Evaluation ‘Extreme Dialogue project partner the Institute for Strategic Dialogue (ISD) has sought to measure and evaluate the project’s materials, training sessions, and school pilots. The aim is to ascertain the effectiveness of the project in building young people's resilience to extremism and radicalisation, as well as practitioners' confidence in safeguarding young people in this area. Evaluation feedback collected via quantitative and qualitative feedback forms from school pilots in Calgary, Canada and London, United Kingdom included testimonials from students that they had gained a more nuanced understanding of the radicalisation process, the spectrum of extremist groups, the consequences of violence and the importance of a range of perspectives. Positive feedback was also given via interviews by teachers employing the resources, suggesting these resources had a positive impact, fit well with the curriculum, and helped enable constructive debate in the classroom.