SERA Preventing radicalisation in prisons -

P a g e | 37 ERASMUS+ N° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN successful reintegration of extremists, as reflected. Nevertheless, in its first year the programme saw mixed results, potentially related to logistics. A follow-up of this study is being carried out over the period of January 2016 and December 2017’ (p. 439) 3. Inclusion Inclusion is an individualised, tailor-made programme, elaborated during probation supervision, which is inspired by two existing programmes : EXIT Sweden and the Dutch cognitive behavioural programme Solo. Its main aim is to disengage radicalised Muslims (mainly home-grown jihadi) from radical movements. The programme consists of 3 modules : 1. Practical help The participant draws a Plan for the Future, where goals are defined in terms of housing, employment, or debt to be repaid. The trainer establishes a working alliance with the participant and helps their self-confidence, in an attempt to distance them from radical approaches. 2. Network approach Trainer and participant map the network of the participant and identify people who may assist the participant in hands-on activities. If the participant does not identify anybody, then a volunteer is provided. The trainer encourages participants to patch up their relationship with a friend or family member and can arrange meetings with religious experts, e.g. an imam, if necessary. 3. Cognitive behavioural training If the participant shows the intention to change, then Module 3 kicks off. Module 3 involves nine categories of cognitive behavioural exercises: 1. thinking patterns/attitude/behaviour 2. impulsivity 3. anger/frustration tolerance 4. locus of control 5. identity/vulnerability 6. coping 7. (universal) values 8. (religious) meaning 9. social skills. The trainer selects relevant themes in the life of the participant to work on together. RAN (2017) EVALUATION ‘In June 2017, Inclusion is to be tested by trained members of the Terrorists, Extremists and Radicals (TER) team of the Dutch Probation Service’ (p. 442)