SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN 1. each number is associated with a movement; 2. learners get into pairs and line up facing each other; 3. the activity leader will be calling out the numbers and each pair will have to react by performing the associated fitness move synchronically (i.e. they should strive to ensure their response is coordinated and synchronized) 4. the activity leader will challenge learners by speeding things up and calling out numbers faster 5. the team will reconvene and more moves will be added 6. back to point 3 Action 2 Warm-up Activity 3 Make sure that learners warm up before beginning the activity. The warm-up can be very basic and simply entail learners running around in a circle. For a slightly more complex warm-up, check out: If you are not a qualified fitness instructor, please keep the moves as straightforward as possible. To ensure learners warm up before the activity; to enable them to memorise moves and numbers; to learn how to adequately perform the moves; Listening skills Communication Mnemonic skills Non-verbal communication Coordination Cooperation Teamwork 1 0 mins