SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Test run Activity 4 Invite learners to get into their pairs and line up facing each other. Choose 3 movements for numbers 1-3 and demonstrate them one by one, encouraging learners to follow your lead and repeat the movements after you. Get learners to try out the moves a few times individually and in pairs, then test whether they have memorized them. Note for Trainer: You have the freedom to choose between a wide range of fitness moves, and can include more numbers/moves, at your discretion. It is recommended that you start off with 3 numbers/moves, adding on moves in a second phase. Make sure that the moves chosen allow learners to bolster their physical fitness. Include multiplanar exercises (more information about planes of motion is available here: performance-through-multi-planar-training) , combining squats, burpees, lunges, standing twists. If you are not a fitness trainer, get informed and talk to a specialist before conducting the activity. Alternatively, keep it simple to avoid injury. Be aware of the physical prowess of learners and before beginning, double-check whether anybody suffers from any injuries and provide suitable alternatives, where required. understand what is expected of them; get ready to work in pairs 10 mins