SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 3 Game time Activity 5 Begin the activity. Start calling out numbers – start slowly and then speed things up. Ensure that learners synchronize their reactions and, insofar as it is possible, that the moves are executed correctly. If necessary, call a time-out, regroup and demonstrate the moves again. Activity 6 Regroup and add new moves, demonstrating them one by one and encouraging learners to mirror you. Do another test run to check whether they have memorized the new moves and still remember the previous ones. Activity 7 Get learners back into two lines facing their partners and kick the game off once again, by calling out numbers. Start slow and speed things up. Note for Trainer: Depending on the time available and the enthusiasm of learners, activities 6 and 7 can be repeated more than once. Please ensure that game time (corresponding to activities 5-7 within action 3) lasts for a maximum of 45 minutes. Ensure that you provide adequate cool-down afterwards. To enable learners to be active; To engage them in a fun activity; To encourage them to work in pairs and engage in non-verbal communication; To improve their coordination and reflexes Listening skills Communication Non-verbal communication Coordination Cooperation Teamwork Agility Reflexes Mnemonic skills 10 mins 10 mins 10 mins