SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Sequence P12 / Cycle 1 3 2 1 AREA Psychology SUBJECT Identity development Type of Activity Debate, Storytelling, Drawing With crossed disciplines Social Sequence Title Circle of courage ABSTRACT Trainer tells the story of his own life, or a fictional story. He applies it to the circle of courage and meanwhile he explains the significance of the 4 areas of the circle. (cf. poster in attachment & ao. ) Learners apply elements of their own life story into the circle of courage. KEY WORD Storytelling, identity development, circle of courage Learning outcomes 1 - Be able to listen to others story 2 - Be able to understand the model of the circle of courage 3 - Be able to apply the model in his own life Room Organization Tables in U