SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Try to intie without to take your hands out of the loops. The teacher walks around and motivate the pairs to give small tips. Action 3 Magic rope Activity 4 The rope is on the floor. All learners must go over the rope without touching it on a different way (see below). Everyone can offer help with another person. Ones you are over the rope, you must stay at that side. Of course, he can still offer help from that side. Be careful with do this task and do nothing with someone else that you would not like yourself The level of the exercises getting more and more difficult. Exercise 1 get on the other side with the whole group without toughing the rope Exercise 2 go to the other side in pairs Exercise 3 go under the rope with the whole group at the same time Exercise 4 Team building Create commitment Self-control Making deals Growing to the next level Share your border Empathy 20’