SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Trainer’s notes If Cameras cannot be used, you should start the activity from here. Ask the learners to create a chart, using the material supplied to represent their culture. consent. After taking the photos, each learner will be asked to choose three of the photos he/she likes best. These photos should be printed. Action 4 Discussion on the charts/photos Activity 4 All the pictures a put on the floor, with the group seated in a circle around the pictures. The Trainer askes the group if someone would like to speak about one of their pictures. Start the discussion aiming at diversity and unity of cultures. After each individual presents his photo/picture, the others are asked to comment on it. The group is asked what is similar to your culture, what is diverse to your culture? At the end the trainer makes a chart on what unites the group. Discussing on cultural diversity and unity All cultures have similarities 120’