SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Aims Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 How the tell a fable Activity 1 One of Aesop ’s fables is taken and explained (see below for a number of fables). From the lesson in the fable one needs to identify the protagonists. Once this is done, the facilitator (with the help of the learners create a modern fable (see below) Knowledge Cultural awareness and expression 30’ Action 2 Ask the learners to create their own fable Activity 2 Once the learners know how the create a story, the facilitator askes the learners to create their own story, using their life experience To transform your experience into a story that can be disclosed Social and Civic Competences 60’ Action 3 Share the story with the facilitator Activity 3 As a preparation to this activity all learners must meet individually with the facilitator. The facilitator must assess the fables and see if it could be psychologically dangerous the share. If they are (or the learners were not able to create their own story, the facilitator must help them do it) Emotional competences Social and Civic Competences 15 ’ to 60 ’ for each learner Action 4 Share the story with the others Activity 4 Once the fables are done they will share the story with the others. A discussion on the various subjects that emerge should be done. The facilitator should note any similarities and any lessons to be learned. Discussing diversity and unity Cultural awareness and expression 2 hours