SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Resources Life lessons from Aesop ’ s Fables. Taken from 1. The Tortoise and the Hare: Never Give Up/False confidence often leads to disaster The Story: A Hare is boasting about his speed in front of the other animals and challenges any one of them to race him. A Tortoise accepts his challenge. At first the Hare thinks it’s a joke, but the Tortoise is being serious. So, soon after they begin the race. The Hare runs full speed ahead and to make fun of the Tortoise, he decides to take a nap. The Tortoise keeps slowly going and going. When the Hare wakes up, he notices that the Tortoise is near the finishing post and fails to win the race. The lesson: Slow and steady wins the race. Sometimes in life, it might look like other people are racing ahead of you. But you never know what obstacle could stop them in their tracks. It is important to keep moving forward and one day you will get there. 2. The Ants and the Grasshopper: Work Hard and Play Hard! The Story: A Grasshopper spends his summer singing and dancing, while a team of Ants have worked hard all summ er collecting food for the winter. He doesn’t understand why the Ants work so hard. When winter comes, the Grasshopper finds himself dyin g of hunger and see’s the ant serving up food to survive. He then understands why the Ants were working so hard. The Lesson: There’s a time for work and a time for play! Just because you don’t think something is important right now, doesn’t mean you should ignore it or put it off. It’s okay to have fun, but make sure your work is done before! Always be prepared for what’s ahead!