SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN 3. The Dog and the Shadow: Be happy With What You Have. The Story : A Dog is walking home with a piece of meat in his mouth. On his way home he crosses a river and looks into the water. He mistakes his own reflection for another Dog and wants his meat also. But as he opens his mouth, the meat falls into the river and is never seen again. The Lesson: It is foolish to be greedy. Everyone wants more! Of course we always strive to be better and have bigger things. But it’s imp ortant to reflect on the things you do have and not take them for granted. Because one day you might end up with nothing but regrets of things you could have done. 4. The Crow and the Pitcher: There’s always a way! The Story: A thirsty Crow comes across a pitcher, which had been full of water. But when it puts its beak into the mouth of the pitcher, he cannot reach the water. He keeps trying but then gives up. At last he comes up with an idea. He keeps dropping pebbles into the pitcher, soon the water rises up to the top and his is able to quench his thirst. The Lesson: Little by little does the trick. When at first you don’ t succeed, try and try again! Persistence is the key to solving any problem. If your first solution doesn’t solve the problem, think of another solution. Keep trying until you get the answer. After all, it’s better than doing nothing at all!