SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN 5. The Bell and the Cat: Ideas Are Good, But Execution Is Better! The Story: A family of Mice has been living in fear because of a Cat. One day they come together to discuss possible ideas to defeat the Cat. After much discussion, one young Mouse gets up to suggest a n idea. He suggests that they put a bell around the Cat’s neck, so they can hear it when it approaches. All the other Mice agree, apart from one wise, old Mouse. The old Mouse agrees with the plan in theory, but suggests “Who will put the bell on the Cat?” The Lesson: It is easy to propose impossible remedies. Having lots of ideas is good for problem solving, but having ideas that work is even better. It is never a good idea to boast about an idea, until you know it’s going to work. Remember people want str aight-forward solutions, not more problems. 6. The Two Crabs: Lead by Example! The Story : Two Crabs, a mother and a child are walking across the sand. The mother Crab scolds her child for walking wrong and tells him to walk more gracefully. The child Cra b explains that he doesn’t know how to and asks his mother to show him. The mother Crab is unable to walk right herself. The Lesson: Example is more powerful than precept. Nobody likes it when you ask them to do something that you can’t even do yourself. Before making unreasonable demands, it’s a good idea to be able to do that thing first. Then you won’t feel stupid for making people do something that’s impossible.