SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN 9. The Lion, the Ass, and the Fox: Learn from the Failures of Others. The Story: A Lion, Fox and Ass are all hunting together. They all gathered a huge amount of food and now had to decide how to divide it. The Lion asked the Ass to divide the food. So the Ass chose to divide the potions equally. This made the Lion, the king of beasts angry and with his paw he killed the Ass. The Lion then asked the Fox to divide the food. The Fox wasted no time. He quickly gave a huge heap to the Lion and only kept a small portion to himself. The Lion asked the Fox, who taught you to divide so fairly? The Fox replies, I learned from the Ass. The Lesson: Learn from the misfortunes of others. Failure in life is okay, as long as you learn from it. Take a look at the mistakes of others and take note. It ’s always important to reflect on what you could have done better or what steps you could avoid in the future. 10. The North Wind and the Sun: kindness Wins People Over! The Story: The Wind and the Sun are arguing over who is stronger. Suddenly they see a traveller coming down the road. They decide to settle to argument over whoever can get the traveller to take his coat off. The Wind blows as hard as it can, but the traveller tightens his coat up even more. Then the Sun softly shines its rays on him. The traveller suddenly feels hot and finally removes his coat. Declaring the Sun, the winner. The Lesson: Persuasion is better than Force. A kind, gentle manner like the Sun is always better than cold threats and force. So, if you ever need something from someone, it is best to be kind and humble over yelling at them. As you might find, that they will respond better.