SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN 11. The Lion and the Mouse: No act of kindness is Ever Wasted. The Story: A Lion is fast asleep until a Mouse wakes him up. The Lion opens his big jaw to swallow him. But the Mouse begs the Lion to think again, as he may become useful in the future. The Lion laughs off the idea and lets him go. Sometime later, the Lion is caught in a trap by some Hunters. At that moment the same little Mouse walks by and notices the Lion trapped. He walks up and chews the rope to free the Lion. The Mouse smiles and says, was I not right? The Lesson: Little friends may prove great friends. You never know who will prove to be useful in the future. It is best to maintain great relationships with everyone and to be kind to all. You never know where your kindness could lead you! 12. The Wolf and The Crane: Don’t’ Always Expect A Reward. The Story: A Wolf has a bone stuck in his throat. He hires a Crane for a large sum of gold, to put her head in his throat and remove the bone. When the Crane removes the bone, she demands her reward. The Wolf smiles and replies, surely you have been given enough reward by me not eating you. The Lesson: Don’t expect a reward when servi ng the wicked. If you help someone, it is out of the kindness of your own heart. Therefore if you are not rewarded for your good deeds, be grateful that your situation isn’t worse. It is selfish to think you will be rewarde d in all situations of kindness. Sometimes it’s about building a positive relationship with that person and not the reward.