SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Have the learners construct a modern fable. Using their experience. To plan a modern fable (taken from Jerry Dunne, 2013 – How to write a modern fable for the adult reader) Let us take the fable of The Hare and the Tortoise Theme/human flaw This is the easy part as we already have the theme/human flaw from the fable False confidence often leads to disaster. Actors: Hare and the Tortoise – Can be transformed into a Man (hare) and a Woman (tortoise). So here is how this story could develop…. A man lusted after a woman at the office, but kept from approaching her, fearful that she’d laugh off his advances, as h er dates were always men with far greater looks and income than his own. One day, he discovered her new date was not as good looking as himself and earned far less income. Now his chest swelled with confidence, and he pounced on her, expecting a date. But he was rebuked with a laugh. Shocked and angry at the rebuttal, he lashed out, “No longer able to date the classier men, you now date a man with fewer goo d looks and even less money than me. So why should you turn me down?” She laughed again, “Your assumptions are all your own. I don’t judge men your way. My latest man is as good as any man. Your confidence was raised only because you thought mine was lowered and therefore my standards with it. You underestimate others in order to overestimate yourself. Tha t’s why I’d never date you.” Our theme or message rises clear and simple out of our fable: False confidence often leads to disaster.