SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN • Baha'i For each religio n, cover the following: • Origins of the faith (When was it founded? Was there an identifiable founder?) Find detailed information about the founding of various relig ions underneath. • Religious art icles attached • Whether it i s monotheistic, polytheistic or nontheistic • Where in the world most of • The faith's adherents are located (the mini-articles have limited information o n this; in add ition, p ro vides a breakdo wn by country, an d Encyclopaedia Britannica provides a breakdown by continent) • Major beliefs or emphases • Variations among followers of each religion (information on subgroups of each religion can be foun d here) . You'll want to make the po int that we need to be careful not to stereotype members of faith groups; religion is a public as well as a private