SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Activity 8 The trainer hands out a questionnaire to the Learners. (TheChanges inYour BodyWhen You Get Angry) Action 7 Activity 9 The trainer teaches a relaxation technique to the Learners. Learners will be able to use the strategies to copewith anger. Learn to learn Flexibility Conflict management Taking responsibility 60 min Action 8 Activity 10 The trainer gives a message to the Learners for recognizing their own anger management strategies and the ways to overcome the anger. He / She asks them to share the strategies that theyhave used and found useful with his mates. For instance, not talking about the stressful situation, sharing the problems with the friends, sleeping, doing sports, etc. Find the ones which are really useful and replace the unuseful ones with a new technique. Learners will be able to know the physical and intellectual effects ofangeranddescribe them. Learnerswill beable torealizethatanger is a manageable emotion. Learners will be able to know that anger is anatural emotion that can be experienced sometime. Learners will be able to express anger in appropriate way. Learners will be able to use the strategies to cope with anger. Planning and organizing one’s learning Problem solving Critical thinking Creativity 60-90 min