SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN ACTION 6 The story of Indian master and apprentice AnIndianmasterwasfedupwithhisapprentice’scomplainingall thetime.Oneday,hesent theapprenticetogetsomesalt.Whentheunhappyapprentice returned, theoldmaster asked him to put the salt in a glass full of water and drink themixture. The apprentice did what is ordered but spilled themixture once he drank. The master asked “How does it taste?” and in return he replied angrily. Theoldmaster took themanout holdinghisarmandgiggling.He took theapprentice tothelakesidewhichwasverynear andaskedhimtoputahandfulof salt intothe lakeanddrink it.Theapprenticedidwhat isorderedagainanddrank thewater.Theoldmasteraskedthesamequestion; ”Howdoes it taste?”. He told that thewater tasted refreshing. “Did you taste the salt this time?” asked the oldman. He replied “No”. After this answer, he sat by his apprentice and told him; “Theproblems in lifeare likesalt, it isneither toomuchnor too less. Theamount isalways thesame. Theamount of themisery is thesameall the time.The miseryyoufeeldependsonthecontaineryouput it in.Thethingyoumustdoistochangeyourperceptionof thecontainer.So, leavetobeaglass,chooseto be a lake. ACTION 7: Exercise samples for anger management 1- Controlled Deep Breathing and Muscle Relaxation • Your breathing rate and heart rate both increase when you become emotionally aroused. You can learn to reverse these increases by deliberately slowing your breathing and/or systematically relaxing your tense muscles . Relaxing in this manner will help you to maintain control. • You may find yourself breathing quick, shallow breaths when you are upset . Allowing this shallow chest-only breathing to continue will only exacerbate your anger . Instead, take action to redirect your breathing and relax your muscles so that you will calm down . Set aside at least 15 minutes in which to do this exercise. Less time than this will not likely be beneficial!