SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 7: Week 4 To animate a group of words around the theme of ideology, aimed at deconstruction of the notions, interpretations and founding narratives of extremists (identification of ideological radicalizations) Activity 7 Exchanges and expressions between learners about what ideology represents for them Vision of the ideology of the learners and aim of deconstruction between the learners of the notions, interpretations, and founding narratives of the extremists Critical thinking Collective Group work Numbers (5 à 10) Sub timing : 1h30 Action 8: Week 4 Interview between the psychologist and the learner Summary of the first week: his feelings, his achievements Activity 8 Exchanges, reflection around these first 7 activities Perception of the learner around the activities carried out Synthesis to prepare for the second sequence Learning to lean Assessing competence and competence development Personalized Sub timing : 1h00