SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Core Quality Pitfall Challenge Allergy Decisiveness Nagging Patience Passivity Helpfulness Meddlesomeness Independence Detachment Helpful Meddlesome Let loose Careless Power of moderation Frivolousness Seriousness Melancholy Spontaneity Fickleness Consistency Frankness Flexibility Turncoat Steadfastness Inflexibility Flexibility Inconstant Organized Rigid Accuracy Over-fastidiousness Creativity Confusion Clearly Remote Empathetic Slimy Daring Recklessness Carefulness Inhibition Modest Passive Initiative Obstrusive Courage Reckless Thoughtful Doubtful Empathic Sentimental Observing Remote Reflective Aloofness Empathy Sentimental Profiling Arrogant Modest Invisible