SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Islam for 200 Most Islamic followers live near what sea? Mediterranean Sea Islam for 300 What is the name of the Islamic holy book? Quran Islam for 400 What do the Islamic believers call their god? Allah Islam for 500 What are people who follow the Islamic religion called? Muslims Buddhism for 100 Who is the Buddhist monk who remains the leader of the Tibetans? Dalai Lama Buddhism for 200 Buddhism is a major religion in all of the following except: China, Japan, India, Korea, and Tibet - Korea Buddhism for 300 Buddhists believe that existence is a continuing cycle of death and rebirth called____________. (reincarnation) Buddhism for 400 Both Buddhist and Hindus believe in a reward system called ________. (Karma) Buddhism for 500 What is the Buddhism philosophy that one must share a feeling of other’ s suffering? (compassion) Final Challenge What is the world's oldest universal religion? - Buddhism