SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Press Articles [English] Activity 5 Learners search for and read some news from newspapers where situations of inequality ocurr. Action 4 Video Activity 6 Learners watch a video and later discuss about what they have seen. (Social experiment about racism Barcelona) [4 :39’] (Boy – Short film ) [14:34’] Trainer can decide to search for similar videos w hich suit the same purpose To be aware of different situations of inequality. Social and civic competences Linguistic communication Learning to learn Critical thinking Self-Reflection Personal autonomy Teamwork 30 minutes Action 5 Values Corner Activity 7 During the current month, learners write down situations in which they think equal treatment has taken place and others in which it hasn’t. These small texts can be written at any time and simply be stuck to a wallchart in a specific place in the classroom To identify in nearby contexts situations of equality and inequality. Social and civic competences Linguistic communication Critical thinking Reflection Personal autonomy During two weeks