SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Activity 2.2 The trainer gathers the learners and asks them how they felt while playing the game. To develop strategies and skills related to football. 5’ Action 3 Two towers Activity 3.1 This game is similar to basketball, but instead of baskets, a member of each team is placed inside a circle (a hoop or drwan with chalk on the floor). The goal is to get the ball to the teammate who is inside the circle without him/her getting out of the circle. RULES - The ball can’t be bounced. - Walking with the ball is not allowed. - Players can only move around when they are not holding the ball. - Nobody can leave the delimited spaces. Activity 3.2 The trainer gathers the learners and asks them how they felt while playing the game. To value the importance of team games and respect for established rules. To accept the role you play within a team. To develop strategies and skills related to basketball. Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression Teamwork Self- reflection 3 teams 15 ‘ 5’ Action 4 « Pichi » Activity 4.1 This game is similar to baseball. There are two teams, one hits and the other defends. The « pichi » player is in the defending team : he throws a soccer ball making it roll on the To value the importance of team games and respect for established rules. Social and civic competences Cultural awareness and expression 2 teams 15 ‘