SERA Cycle 1 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 3 Discussion and debriefing Activity 3 Bring learners together and ask them to reflect on the activity. Start a discussion on why people were chosen and others not. Ask how those chosen last felt. Also address the issues that you saw in the game e.g. cooperation, insults, encouragement etc. How did the person feel? Where the weak persons encouraged or insulted? What did they enjoy the most about it? What was the hardest aspect? Did they work well with team? Were there any issues? Were the ground rules respected? What did they learn? Is being physically active important? If yes, why? If no, why? What do they think are the aims of the activity? Encourage learners to share views and opinions. To enable learners to become aware of their actions, and how this can influence others Listening skills Communication Non-verbal communication Coordination Cooperation Teamwork 30 min