SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Turning a blind eye to situations that should in fact elicit a reaction. Indifference with respect to the events of daily life. As the campaign only shows one video, teacher and learners will talk on what they just saw to decide if they have ideas to widen number of storytelling. Activity 8 as complementary exercise, teacher and learners cou ld decide to write then film short scri pts to create Story telling focusing on “That’s none of my business”. Activity 9: same than Acti vity 2 Creativity 55 ’ to 120’’ 60’ to several hours Action 5: They ’ re all the same Stereotyping of others Generalizing characteristics and behaviour, making lives one-dimensional when they in fact contain a wealth of experiences. Categorization of a person on the basis of specific characteristics, or the social, cultural, political or religious group they belong to, or are assigned to. Refusal to see distinctions within society or among the individuals within it, and preference for a stereotype devoid of nuance. Activity 10: Watching videos Story telling 18 - JEREMY Story telling 19 - ALESSIO Story telling 20 - PATRICIA Story telling 21 - LEDIA Story telling 22 – KEYSHA Story telling 23 - CAMILLE Teacher and learners will talk on what they just saw. They will debate about their ideas/opinions; the teacher and/or one volunteer amongst the learners may play the role of mediator. Activity 11: same than Activity 2 Social and civic competences Respect Communication Critical thinking 5’ 25’ 60’ to several hours