SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN 7. Agree on common sketches 8. As sume one’s own responsibility in the work and trust in the responsibility of the other classmates 9. Discover that without eve ryone’s contribution , it is not possible to achieve the final work. Room Organization Classroom, outdoor courtyard Type of ACTIVITIES Brainstorming, Debates, Information search, Study of techniques and implementation, Videos, Sketches, Scales, Paint on paper, Paint on the wall LEARNING CONTEXT Individual X Pair work Group work X Less than 5 X 5-10 11-15 X 16-20 Distance learning Frontal X Interactive X SEQUENCING Number of: Actions [3] Activities [9] Hours [5] TEACHERS MATERIALS Articles, ICT, books , videos… LEARNERS MATERIALS Fanfold paper, pens and pencil, erasers, spray paint, articles , ICT, book s… KEY COMPETENCES 1. Cultural Awareness And Expression 2. Social And Civic Competences 3. Digital Competence Transversal COMPETENCES 1. Communication 2. Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology