SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Outcomes Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Introduction of the topic Activity 1 Teacher will have to first introduce the topic . What is a “cause”? This question can be moderated by a learner as volunteer, just to organize the taking and speaking time of learners who want to give their opinion. Activity 2 / Feedback Do you learn something from Action 1? Any questions? Feel free to speak among others Be able to talk without anger Communication Flexibility Cultural awareness and expression 10 ’ 5’ Action 2 / Quiz Causes to defend Each question can be moderated by a different learner (as volunteer). Teacher may decide to make pairs or sub- groups if plenary group is too important. When “other” (in each question), the learner(s) will be asked to express him/herself by explaining why he/she believes that the cause he/she defends (or intends to defend) must be a PRIORITY Activity 3 Among following causes, what is THE ONE that you believe has to be sustained in PRIORITY? - medical research (cancer, AIDS) - child victims in the world - fight against poverty in the world - persons with disabilities - other (please express yourself) Activity 4 Amongst the following causes, what is the one that represents you to be considered in PRIORITY? - human rights (political prisoners, torture) Be able to express and defend own point of view Be able to convince if necessary Be able to make choices and to argue Critical thinking Social and civic competences Communication Learning to learn 10’ 10’