SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 3 The different forms of commitment Activity 13 Ideas on commitment Commitment is first and foremost citizen participation. When you make a commitment, you contribute to the life of your community and common well-being too. Commitment strengthens the bonds of solidarity by stimulating feelings of belonging to this community. Commitment allows different levels of participation that can be expressed in different ways. Commitment may consist of individual or collective actions that focus primarily on a certain level of social transformation in society. Learners will be asked, by pairs or small sub-groups, to position themselves on the different assertiveness and to argue (Complement) Learners may be asked to find some more ideas on commitment Activity 14 Citizen commitment It is the act or attitude of any person member of a democracy who, having abandoned a position of simple beneficiary of rights, puts his/her Be able to debate Be able to change his/her mind Be able to defend cause Critical thinking Self-reflection Social and civic competences Flexibility Communication Learning to learn 3 0’ 20’