SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN thoughts or his/her action in the service of a cause in order to criticize, revise or preserve its institutions and rules. Regardless the commitment form is, whether its issue is local, regional, national or international, the approach of the engaged citizen is always the same: Put his/her thought, word and action in the service of a collective cause to make the world better. Learners will be asked to debate then to give examples of citizen commitments ( firefighters, rescuers, …) if possible without any help from teacher. Activity 15 Social or community commitment One thinks of becoming involved as an activist, member or elected member of a student or union association, a community or a non-profit organization. One aims for the well-being and the improvement of the living conditions of the inhabitants of a district, a village, a region. Learners will be asked to debate then to give examples of social or community commitments (help to elderly person, visit to inmates, librarian in a school, …) if possible without any help from teacher. 20’