SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Action 4 Is everyone able to engage in a cause to defend? Activity 19 In what areas do we observe well- known committed persons? (peace, freedom, health, …) What names of committed people come to your mind? (Gandhi, Mandela, Aung San Suu Kyi, …) Teacher will organize small sub-groups or pairs and give them time to prepare their answers to the two questions then all learners will come back in plenary group to compare, share and debate about their answers. Learners can be asked to explain why these celebrities are or are not so engaged in democracy. Learners can be asked to make research in documentation so to prepare posters and make an exhibition. Activity 20: True (T) / False (F) Are children able to engage in violent actions? The commitment of a child can be apprehended in different ways: - children do not have the necessary perspective to Be able to compare situations/persons Be able to make researches and to share before debating Be openminded to other ideas, other choices Critical thinking Self-reflection Learning to learn 30’ Complement of time to debate about commitment in democracy and /or to create posters with research of documents will have to be add by teacher 30’