SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN Course Structure Learners' activities and tasks to realize Learning Outcomes Competences Learning context Sub-timing Action 1 Activity 1 Teacher will show a video explaining MASLOW’s hierarchy of needs in a very simple way. 4ithG_07Q Teacher will make sure that learners understand the 5 stages and eventually will bring precisions to questions from learners. Activity 2 Teacher will ask each learner to draw a pyramid with 5 stages from 5 (bottom) to 1 (top), not writing anything else that 5 to 1 in each stage. Each learne r will write his/her name on the sheet of paper then stick it on the wall. Be able to accept individual differences Be able to build complementarities Cultural awareness and expression Self-reflection Organizing one ’ s learning 2’15’’ 2’45” 10 ’ Action 2 The teacher organizes to display (on walls) posters (one per continent) on which are listed the countries of the world. Activity 3 In my country of origin, what do I drink and what do I eat? In my hosting country, what do I drink and what do I eat? Each learner will be asked to answer the 2 x 2 questions and to write answers on Be able to accept individual differences Self-reflection Communication Organizing one’s learning 10’