SERA Cycle 2 Introduction and Courses

Project n° 580247-EPP-1-2016-1-FR-EPPKA3-IPI-SOC-IN post- it’s that will be stick on large posters in regard of the right countries. Activity 4 / Feedback Learners will be asked to remember which stage of Maslow ’s hierarchy of needs are to drink and to eat, so that to place a post-it on their pyramid mentioning Activity 3 type of needs. Any other questions? Digital competence 5’ Action 3 Activity 5 National flags Each learner draws and colors his/her national flag on a post-it which he/she then positions on the corresponding poster. There may be differences between the country of origin and the host country. Teacher will have to decide if he/she wants to work on both options. Activity 6 / Feedback Learners will be asked to remember to which stage of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs corresponds the fact to belong or not to one country, so that to place a post-it on their pyramid mentioning Activity 5 type of needs. Any other questions? Be able to accept individual differences Digital competence Organizing one’s learning Cultural awareness and expression Self-reflection 20 ’ 5’ 5’